Five and a half weeks of fun

It is the school holidays, and to keep me from drinking gin at 10am I intend to keep a daily journal. It may just involve a bunch of photos of cocktails, or trips to the supermarket. Hopefully it will involve adventures in the sunshine. But we are in Britain so I suspect most things will involve wellies and a brolly. Only time will tell....

Sunday, 31 July 2011

The Birds and the Bees

Little bird up in a tree
Looked down and sang a song to me
Of how it began
The trout in the shiny brook
Gave the worm another look
And told me not to worry
About my life
Tree in my own backyard
Stands all alone
Bears fruit for me
And it tastes so good
Where's my pretty bird
He must have flown away
If I keep singing
He'll come back someday
Dawn, bird's still gone
Guess I'll go mow the lawn
What a day, what a day
What a beautiful day this is

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